Fix Your ‘Fitness Trauma’ & Reframe your Relationship with Exercise - Nikki Munitz - Counsellor South Africa

Fix Your ‘Fitness Trauma’ & Reframe your Relationship with Exercise

The simple joy of movement is inherent in all of us. Remember when you were a kid riding your bike,
building forts, playing hide-and-go-seek, playing tag, running, swimming, chasing – remember how
much fun it was? The key to reframing your relationship with exercise is in finding that again.

We all carry a form of ‘fitness trauma’ either brought on by a society obsessed with looks. The
frustration of empty promises, unsustainable goals, and unrealistic outcomes. A ‘diet culture’ that
continues to reinforce the pressure of an all-in extreme approach to exercise, resulting most often,
in the guilt of giving up. These are the steadfast catalysts that dismantle our joy when it comes to
movement. A playful approach to exercise is wiped out by pressure and guilt and then perpetuates a
nasty cycle of poor body image and low self-worth. You eventually believe that you can’t follow
through with anything. Exercise becomes your enemy.

Many of us measure health by the way someone presents themselves – it’s easy to confuse fitness
with wellness. You can be lean, muscular, have high endurance, be religious (even obsessive) about
your regime, show-off a proud six-pack, but if your mindset isn’t one of joy and feeling good in your
body, then are you really in a state of wellness?

The key to reframing our relationship with our bodies and exercise is to move away from simply
looking good. Rather than aiming for a number on a scale, focus on measuring progress by how good
you feel. In doing this, the narrative around body image begins to shift. The benefits are endless, and
the wins don’t have to be drastic – better sleep, more energy, motivation, better health and
happiness, even making new friends – all count.

Take your power back when it comes to exercise and wellness by rewriting your fitness story. A great
place to start is in understanding your body. Find what makes you feel good and seek out joy in the
movement you choose. If you can achieve that, you’re on your way to the golden ticket of
sustainable, healthy exercise and whole-body wellness. The fun that comes naturally soon becomes
the driving force in your continued commitment to yourself and your body. Go on, do it – I dare you.

BOOK YOUR SPOT FOR A 5-DAY EXCLUSIVE BODY WELLNESS & EXERCISE RETREATHosted & facilitated by dynamic duo and expert team:
Nikki Munitz (Self-Esteem Coach & Global Leader in Self-Development) & Steffi Brink (Wellness Coach, Fitness Guru, & Survivor Celebrity)


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